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Oh my, it’s Camino Time
Carnation Revolution

Camino II — Day 11

Lesson One Travel light. I don’t know exactly how you translate that into daily life, but I think it’s important to try. ...

Camino II — Day 10

This Is Us We’ve been walking together for ten days. The weather has been a mixed bag. Our first day was sunny, with a ...

Camino II — Day 9

Meet Sabina Sabina is from Germany. She’s is stalking me — she admits it. That means she is reading this post. Hi Sabina. ...

Camino II — Day 8

Okay, Let Me Explain We have been walking for over 2 hours — 6+ miles. We are looking for a place to have a cup of coffee. And I come upon a sign on the road that says “Coffee Bar” with an arrow. Now, did I mention that the group is way behind me. They are lagging. So I think that I should ...

Camino II — Day 7

Heavy Rain — Heavy Day! Today I walked with a heavy heart. Someone I love was hurt. And it was an unnecessary hurt. The person causing the pain had no reason to do so and every reason not to. But this is what we do to one another, we faithful followers of Jesus. So my heart is broken. And I ...

Camino II — Day 6

Photo Bombed! Twice! Susanne is the bomber in the first photo and Leanne in the second — such good sports. Crazy wet and windy day, but we are assured by other pilgrims that this is our worst day. Going forward into sunshine. Leanne declared that when it is a day like today, and you ...

Camino II — Day 5

It’s a beautiful photo, isn’t it? This setting with a path and all around us it’s green and inviting. It’s simply as perfect as perfect can be for mere mortals like us. And today was a day like that for the most part. We did have a period of really rough weather, high winds, and pelting ...