Day 13 on the Camino Way

In Catholic churches the red candle, here a real wax candle, declares that ”The Host is in the house.” In other words, the Eucharist (Communion, Lord’s Supper) is celebrated in this building. The depth of this is the proclamation that this is not a building but a living organism. This is a place where people come and receive the body and blood of Jesus. This particular candle was in a tiny church dedicated to Mary. There’s a story, but you’ll have to wait.
And Then There was Us

Our friends have gone on to finish on bikes. We wish them well. The gratitude we feel in having them with us during a very rough period is impossible to express. They were a gift. We miss the laughter most of all. The VanDyke girls are funny even when they are not. They laugh loud and often, even when only they get the humor. And that’s when we all laugh the most, just laughing with them.
Bob is a servant. He was good to all of us. He carried Sally’s bag during a particularly tough time. Sally and I will never forget that act of kindness. When I think of how it happened that they came along I’m almost inclined to think it was a ”God thing.” Except I’m of the opinion that a God thing is more likely a thing that is like something God would do if God did things like this. Does that make sense? I just think most things are just plain happenstance, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think God is involved.
Anyway, we miss them. But at the same time we’re okay with being just us. Couples that have been together a while may not laugh as much when it’s just them, but the chuckles and smiles are pretty special. And we had a few of each of those today. We had to be more vigilant watching for the signs pointing us in the right direction, because, well, no Bob. But we checked and double checked when we weren’t sure and we made it just fine.

I know you are thinking ”hard to miss that guys.”
Okay, but what about this?

And What about Bonnie?
It was a hard good-bye for Bonnie. You remember Bonnie, right? Recently widowed, alone on the trail. She joined out little band, felt safe with us and loved too. As we left, she hugged us tightly and said, ”You people are the highlight of my time here. You are so kind and generous. Thank you.” Bonnie is not religious, by the way, not that it mattered to any of us. We never talked Jesus to her or tried to convert her, or offered to pray with her. She knew I was a pastor and I figure that was enough for her to know. She said maybe she’d move to Michigan with such nice folks. I suggested that if she did it should be Ann Arbor—her being non-religious and all.
Easy Day Today

We went 14 miles, but the road was level and the weather cool. There was a great breeze keeping those pesky little flies away, and a warm rain that we loved. We have a couple more days like this and we need them in order to rest our feet and sore muscles. We have mountains to climb before we are done.
Blessed by a Mary Lover
The video is not great—we got caught by surprise—but it was easily the highlight of our day. It was in a little church along the way. This woman asked us our names and then said a blessing over us as she hung a necklace with the image of Mary.
And So Much More Today
There were so many little things in this day, pleasant, good happenings. Sally helping a French woman who thought she left her blue jacket behind. It was hanging on her backpack where she couldn’t see it. Simple little act, I know, but the key is that we could see she was distressed and Sally stopped to ask her if she needed help. She did. A crabby barkeep helped us get a ride to our hotel. A group of French folk shared their ride with us. The van driver was offended when I offered to pay. So many folks pointed the way for us that it almost felt like they were looking out for us. Maybe they were.
This is enough for today—a good day. Thank you for reading this.
Marlin, thank you for friending me on FB, as I am joining a friend to walk the Camino in a few weeks, so I am “cramming.”
Glad to hear it was a good day. Sometimes it’s in the little things. Love you guys! This journey is so cool!
Ditto what Leah said. She’s so wise. From her mother, of course! 😉 Love you two and eager to hear more when it’s “in-person” time.
How small are the valuable things. Thanks for your best sermon thought ever!