Camino II — Day 7

Heavy Rain — Heavy Day!
Today I walked with a heavy heart. Someone I love was hurt. And it was an unnecessary hurt. The person causing the pain had no reason to do so and every reason not to. But this is what we do to one another, we faithful followers of Jesus.
So my heart is broken. And I was glad it was raining because when you walk in the rain you can cry and no one will notice. If you love anyone, you know what this pain is. You hate the unfairness of it, the callous disregard for your loved one’s soul. And you know that you can’t fix these injustices, that you are powerless against these axe-like blows to the core of your loved one’s being.
The likeliness is that if you have any years behind you, then you know first hand what it feels like to be every party in this scenario. You’ve been hurt and you’ve done hurt. And, like me today, you’ve grieved the pain we bring to one another.
Then Comes Perspective

You work it through. You realize that your loved one will be fine. They will survive. You remind yourself that you have a healthy family and that you have friends on the way with you. And your loved one does too. You think about times when you were hurt, wronged even, and often by people who talked a lot about God and love and kindness. And you got through it, and your loved one will too.
Joy Comes

People suck sometimes. They just do. Me too. And saying that out loud is helpful, because it’s true. Your loved one got hurt, but here’s the bright side, they didn’t deserve it and they didn’t return it. That’s no small thing.
By the end of this day, I was good. I still hurt some for my loved one, but I am good. I know who I am as a person, and I know that this one that I love is a good, solid, kind and gentle soul. They will be okay. And so I’m okay.
On the Lighter Side
Vern and I stand side by side in a two urinal men’s water closet. I say, “I need to drink more water.” He says, “Mine’s okay.” We look at each other, nod, and finish up. We’re bonding.
Buen Camino

😢 ❤️