Day 23 on the Camino Way

Nice and Clear
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it,” Yogi Berra—New York Yankee catcher back in the day. Yesterday we did exactly what Yogi suggested and took the wrong path. We took some solace in the fact that we were not alone. Today, it’s as if the Camino recognized who she was dealing with, and wanting to be clear, this message was sent.
It was funny because at 7 in the morning about 20 pilgrims were gathered at this intersection milling around trying to decide which way to go. We didn’t get a picture of the same kind of message on the other choice—it was a sad face and the message was ”bad road.”
What struck me was how hard it was for some to take the smiling face road. Seriously, groups were arguing amongst themselves about which way to go. I thought about how frustrating is must be for people who’ve been there, done that, and still aren’t heard. Folks are going to do what they are going to do and too often it doesn’t matter what clear message is in front of us pointing the better way.
David the Spanish Hippie

Sally thinks this guy is good looking. I don’t see it!
But I do see the beauty in this man. It turns out that David is somewhat of a star on the Camino. He, along with his friend who has a speech disorder—she cannot speak—run this oasis on the Camino. It is a place of refuge for the weary. He has hammocks hung in different spots. There is a wonderful table spread with healthy food. I asked David for a Coke Zero. He said, ”Not healthy.” I pointed to his coffee option. He said, ”Coffee is a gift from the gods.” Ok then, coffee it is.

I feel badly that we didn’t get a picture of David’s friend. She was sweet and clearly someone with a servant’s heart. She and David don’t charge for anything, and it’s all self-serve. ”Take what you want, pay what you can.” We heard David say this several times in English and I know enough Spanish to know he was saying the same then.
”Take what you want, pay what you can.” We didn’t think to take a picture of the pile of money by the bananas, but it was substantial. David, the hippie, and his ”differently abled” friend have a good thing going here. We lingered for a good long time listening to a trans guitar player singing in German. I know, right? Awesome!
It Was a Best Day Ever Day

This guy is Saint James the Pilgrim. We found him in the beautiful Cathedral here in Astorga. He’s the patron saint for all travelers. You can see the shells on both sides of his chest—these are the primary symbols of the Camino Way. I’ll take time to tell you why in another post—maybe. He has the staff, which should be made of wood, in his right hand. The object near the top of the staff is a pilgrim’s gourd, dried pumpkin. It’s for carrying water or wine. In his left hand is the Bible or a journal. I’m not really sure.
I think the eyes looking up and into the distance are the best part of this stature. That’s the pilgrim mindset isn’t it? Look up and ahead and keep moving!

Buen Camino!
💕🦶🏼🦶🏼👣. Blessings on your Sunday…..🙏
Yes, have a good way today! Oh, and by the way, the Spanish dude? Look at it this way. Sally only had you to compare him too. Sorry to break it to you, Brother, wasn’t going to do it, of course. But then I remembered something you said about “denial” once. So i figured it was the only honest and healthy thing to do. You understand.
❤️ Tony