Day 35 on the Camino Way

Made It
It’s early in the morning, still dark out, and we could see in the distance the lights of Santiago de Compostela. Made us smile, almost laugh. ”Is that it?” I asked.
”Has to be,” Sally responded.
Then an airplane roared above us clearly taking off from an airport near enough so that it was sill rising. “That’s amazing,” I said.
Then we did laugh. We were so close that we were giddy.
We had agreed that we would not stop for coffee until mile six. Well, we made it almost to mile five. Best cup of coffee we had the entire trip. Seriously, it was great. We laughed over it. See? I told you we were giddy, silly even. It’s just coffee. No, it our first cup on our last day. You’ve had that kind of experience I’ll bet. Honeymoon kind of stuff. The coffee was not as good as sex, but it was good.

Dark Woods
We set out a 5:45, got a little turned around in the dark but finally found a marker around 6:05. It was dark and we were alone on the trail that led us into some woods. It was a little unsettling. We kept asking each other, ”Where are the others.” We were four miles in before we came upon a group of three others. And we were so glad to see them that we chattered away at them as if they understood English. They didn’t. We didn’t care. We were giddy.
The Cathedral

It’s pretty impressive. At least we were impressed. But it could have been “the little brown church in the vale” and we would have been impressed. We made it in time for the Pilgrim’s Mass. Didn’t understand much of it, but loved it. At the end they had this huge thing that puts out incense (called a Thurible—I looked it up) swinging from one end of the church to the other. Took four monks to get it going—good size monks too. I thought I was video taping it, but forgot to push the red button on my phone. Kathleen is going to get it for us—right Kathleen?
Here’s a picture of that thing swinging—best we can do. Kathleen has this covered—right Kathleen?

This swinging incense thing was almost worth the 485 miles—almost. It was seriously cool. Sally and I stood there watching it, while NOT video taping it, and laughing. We were giddy.
Oh, and I have to locate Saint James for you, right? Okay, next picture is of the back of the altar—and that’s St James up there riding the horse. I did not expect to find him riding a horse. What the heck? St James did not ride a horse. Donkey maybe? Horse—no! And how does a pilgrim’s staff become a warrior’s sword? It’s an apocalyptic James. We did this to Jesus too—put him on a horse with a sword in his hand. I liked the pilgrim James better—and the teacher Jesus too, for that matter.

Remembering To Light The Candles

As promised, I lit five candles in memory of five men who died too soon. I know there are six there, but that’s because I worry that I missed someone. I would hate that. So these are for you—Karen, Linda, Aunt, Terrie, Gail, and if I missed your loved one, then please accept the sixth for you. Gwen, was it you?
The Prize

These are ”The Compostela pilgrim Certificates for the Camino de Santiago.” And we also received the distant certificate because we walked the whole way. Our names are written in Latin. There is no Latin word or name for Marlin or Marlyn, so it is Merlin. I’ve been called worse. Each of us was being helped separately. We got done at that same time and as we walked toward each other, we shook our heads, huge smiles looking right into each others eyes, and then we teared up—just a little. We did it! It was done!
Home Now
It’s hard to comprehend that tomorrow morning we don’t have to lace up our boots, fill our water bottles, fix our feet and carefully pack our backpack. As we were walking back to the hotel last night we found ourselves wondering where the Camino markers were. We always needed to make sure we knew where we were going to start the next day. We laughed about it. Still a little giddy, I guess.
I’m completely amazed at how many people followed along with us, reading the blog posts, reaching out in texts and on FaceBook. We never saw that coming. Some family and friends would maybe be interested, we thought, but all of you? No way could we have imaged that. So thank you! You have loved us and we are so very, very grateful.

Buen Camino!
Hearty Congratulations! Wonderful effort. Thanks for each day’s posts. Safe travel home!
Well done, good and faithful servants! What an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations on the completion of your journey! Traveling mercies as you start the trek back home, changed . . .
Thanks for letting us travel with you. I’ll be looking for your blog tomorrow as you look for Camino markers:).
i have loved traveling along your journey with you both. morning wakeup was reading your blog. looked forward everyday. thank you thank you marlin for lighting a candle for dear rod. i miss him so. safe travels back home. looking forward to seeing you both.
Congratulations for your tenacity and ongoing strength to complete the journey. I have surely enjoyed the blogs each day and am proud to feel my connection to you! Safe travels back to Michigan.
Congratulations to the “Hat Team”. I found reading your blogs to be interesting and inspiring. Have a safe and comfortable trip home.
Thanks for taking us on your Camino, part in person, and part via blog and Facebook. Both were great and we look forward to seeing you in Holland.
What an amazing journey! You will be looking back on this for years and marveling at what you have accomplished. And every challenge from now on will seem a bit easier, “heck, we walked the Camino, this is nothing!”
We enjoyed walking along with you through your blog, thank you for sharing your heart!
You did it! I teared up along with you as I finished reading your blog. I share the admiration, congratulations and thanks voiced by all of your followers. It’s been a joy to share your experience.
Done! Well done! Or as Mom might say, “Well, shoot a pickle!” And Dad might shake his head slowly, smile that subtle Dad smile, and say nothing, “too proud of you to speak!” Yes, they’d have scoffed in the beginning, but then they would have faithfully paid attention to your journey and cheering you both along the way. Without many words, of course!
Love you brother! Love you, sister! See you soon. ❤️
Tom and I have enjoyed traveling with you on this amazing journey. Thanks for writing the blog and bringing us along. Get home and rest your feet and bodies now. Love you both. Congratulations!
Congrats Marlin and Sally!! Safe travels❣️
Woohoo! You did it. I never doubted for one minute that you would finish. 🙌 My guess is you will remember that cup of coffee for a long time. Want to go for a walk next week?😉
Well done, Merlinum and Marcellam! Thank you for your insights along the way. You are inspiring!
I have enjoyed reading your blog every morning with a cup of tea. Your experience was certainly about the people more than the terrain!
This is such a cool experience and accomplishment! I love it so much! You guys did it!
Wow you did it! Congrats!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. letting us in on the journey. We too looked forward to your posts.
Jane did an amazing job keeping our friends at Refresh fed, but we missed you, even the harassment. Safe travels back.
Congratulations Marlin and Sally!
We’ve really enjoyed following along with your journey!
Thank you for the virtual experience. It was a joy to read each day what you found on your path. Love you guys! Put me down for Thrusday, Sal…if you are up for it.
All this and I got to see you, Sally, this morning. Welcome hime and Buen Camino for the rest of life’s journey.