Sally and Marlin Walking the Way

Beginning to End
We’re going on a long walk together—Sally and me. In one sense this journey began on June 6, 1969. Fifty-three years now, and we know we’re in the final stretch. It’s a winding road we’ve been on, one with hills and valleys, one at times smooth and safe, and at other times narrow and treacherous. Like most couples who are traveling through life as companions, it’s been work. Often the work was pleasant, almost easy. But then there were other moments in this pilgrimage—moments of pain and struggle with steep and rocky inclines. We barely made it then. We almost quit a time or two—although not really. No, we were never going to quit each other—not ever, not really. But we thought about it, talked about it even. There were those times when it just seemed too hard, the effort too stressful. Wouldn’t it be easier to just walk away from each other, be free?

500 Miles to Go!
So Sally and I are going on a long walk together. The path we will be on is termed the “Way of St James” or the Camino de Santiago (Spanish). In actuality this term describes many Christian pilgrimage routes, dating from medieval times that journey from various locations in Europe, to the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Our “El Camino” choice is the Camino Frances (or the French Way). It is probably the most famous of the nine major Camino de Santiago routes. Más o menos, the Camino (the Way) is 800 kilometers, 483 miles of trails, paths, roads and streets leading from St. Jean Pied de Port in France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. We’re going to be traversing the Pyrenees, wandering through wine country, striding along the rolling hills of Northern Spain. Who will we meet along the way? What sights will we see?
As I write this now, I feel the emotion. I don’t know where these feelings are coming from, but here they come—premonitions maybe. Overwhelming me! What’s happening?
We’re doing it together—Sally and me. It’s a symbol for us I think, even though I can’t say I’ve thought about it quite like that, at least not until today. This walk, this Camino, this Way is our life, isn’t it? We don’t know much about the path we’ll be walking on for 35 days. Of course, we have no idea what we’ll see or experience. I expect there will be times that are a breeze, a walk in the park, so to speak. But you have to know there will be difficult moments as well—hard walking, tired of it and of each other too.
Almost Ready!

Together! Sally and Marlin walking the Way—all the way to the end. Together! So, why do this? Well, why not! I think maybe it’s a little like Mount Everest—at least to us. Why climb Mount Everest? Because it’s there!
Marlin & Sally, Did you say when this happening? I look forward to hearing more about your thoughts as the time approaches…. Blessings and Shalom to you both…🙏😊❤️ Sounds like a good kick off to retirement…..
May God go with you! I look forward to hearing all of your Camino adventures.
I will be praying for you both as you continue this journey together. May God bless this new experience!
Go, brother, go! Don’t worry, she’ll carry you. Okay, more likely, you’ll carry each other. 😉 Like alway now. Like always. Like so many of us. Write when you feel it. Post a picture or two, if you like. More than anything, BE together on the walk. ❤️
Ahhh, “The road less traveled”…may it be a path of self exploration and inner fortitude…You have given so much…this is for you both. Happy to know you will be together on your journey…
Good luck on your travels and have fun. I missed your regular blog as it always gave me something to think about.
Awesome!! Can’t wait to see photos and hear about your journey!
I am not sure how I got this post but I would love to read about you travels and thoughts. Please keep me on your distribution list.
Knowing the two of you, you are more than ready physically for this challenge. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings which brings greater depth to the meaning of this journey for you. Looking forward to seeing updates and will keep you in prayer for safety and for the quest to bring you satisfaction. Love you!
What a great adventure, it will be up there with many others I am sure, not least your time in Jerusalem. The mixture of the spiritual, the history, the countries and the now will be like brushstrokes in a painting by El Greco or Van Gogh, each telling a story and part of a bigger story, each harmonising or striking a contrast but all together a masterpiece. Blessings to you both. Mike
Enjoy it Marlin! Keep us updated on the road! Keep posting, we all miss hearing your thoughts.
Dave & I look forward to following your journey. Fabulous that you are walking, together. Praying you will notice all that you are meant to see and hear along the way, together.
The time has come! You are prepared! And you are doing it together! May God bless your journey!
Prayers for you on this journey! Don’t forget to stop once in awhile and just enjoy the view!!